
The name of this blog comes from my friend Rob, a fine painter, who suggested that "The dip 'n; flick technique" (as in dip the mini in housepaint & flick off any excess paint) describes my painting style.

Thanks for that Rob :)

My minis are mostly done to sell, so this will be pretty much the only record of the models I've made and painted; I hope you enjoy looking through them.


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

New Project - Bust of Commissioner Croe

This is one of the busts Forgeworld used to produce, it's listed in the 2002 catalogue.

The plan is to collect and paint them all :) there are lots though and some are very expensive nowadays, so we'll see how it goes I guess.

This bust was bought on eBay May 2011 and had not been painted before. It was in good condition and only needed some very minor fixing & filling (the elbow needed tidying from a previous milliput repair and some tiny bubbles on the downward facing surfaces were filled).

I bought it from a collector of unpainted FW busts and figurines from that period. I suspect he sold it to me with mixed feelings knowing I was going to paint it :) I'll be trying not to horrify you too much with the results Simon...

First pic, fixed, filled and primed.

There's an interesting partial pic of Croe on the front of the 2002 catalogue which I'm going to use as a starting point. Deeply hooded eyes, green leaves and gold wings on the cap, dark (navy blue?) material  with blood red, dark blood red, piping. He looks very grim with his piercing eyes, scars and titanium plate on his jaw :) Should be fun.

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