
The name of this blog comes from my friend Rob, a fine painter, who suggested that "The dip 'n; flick technique" (as in dip the mini in housepaint & flick off any excess paint) describes my painting style.

Thanks for that Rob :)

My minis are mostly done to sell, so this will be pretty much the only record of the models I've made and painted; I hope you enjoy looking through them.


Friday, 13 May 2011

DreadKnight Commission - Completed

Luke's Finished DreadKnight

Pictures of Luke's DreadKnight. I'm really pleased with the colour scheme - which matches the rest of Luke's Grey Knights army - the yellow's really strong and the limited use of metallics makes the gold and silver eye catching. GW colours throughout.

The idea for the shoulder mounted weapons are from a conversion Luke found online.

Green purity shields :)

The rear is deliberately down played, there are some little touches to look at though.

The banner is from a Grey Knights Terminator set.


  1. Looks absolutely awesome Mike as I have said! The yellow on the guns and the turquoise on the sword are stunning. I can't wait to see your next model! :) Thanks again.

  2. It was a pleasure Luke, and thank you.
