
The name of this blog comes from my friend Rob, a fine painter, who suggested that "The dip 'n; flick technique" (as in dip the mini in housepaint & flick off any excess paint) describes my painting style.

Thanks for that Rob :)

My minis are mostly done to sell, so this will be pretty much the only record of the models I've made and painted; I hope you enjoy looking through them.


Monday, 28 February 2011

Space Marines Captain, Assault on Black Reach

Painting a model before you assemble it is hardly a new technique I know, but I rarely remember to do it. I invariably get 1/2 way through painting a model and hrn find I can't reach the bit behind his cloak/leg/armpit and start to use language that would embarrass your average docker.

Not this time though....

This time I remembered, and it's useful. I had loads of other pictures of other bits, somewhere.

Here he is assembled but not finished off.

I'm pleased with the face and with the initial Badab Black wash around pretty much all the detail. Here's what I did:
  1. Clean and mount each piece on a panting mount
  2. Spray GW Skull White
  3. Pick out detail with GW Badab Black - I did think of using GW Chaos Black but the wash is easier, and much more forgiving.
  4. GW Chaos Black on the weapon
  5. GW Tallarn Flesh highlighted with GW Elf Flesh through to GW Skull White on the face
  6. GW Codex Grey then GW brown foundation, v thin layer, for hair.
  7. Bolt Gun Metal highlighted with Mithril Silver for head set
  8. Bleached Bone for cloak lining and loin cloth
  9. Ultramarines Blue for armour
  10. Mechrite Red for cloak, purity seals and rope, highlighted through to Blood Red
  11. Shining Gold trim
Having said that painting before assembly was useful, and it was, I did struggle a little assembling and trying not to damage paintwork and in retrospect it would have been better to pre-paint on those parts that would have been hidden. On this miniature that's behind the loin cloth, behind the weapon and the very bottom bit of the banner - behind the golden collar.

Finished Pics to come.

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